When I signed up for ECON 101, I expected it to be boring, and only covering how to make and use money. I learned far more than I expected during the past 15 weeks. My favorite topic was charity because it relates to my personal life the most. Especially when one cannot expect to improve if they constantly receive charity; it brings dependence and to some extent, laziness. The best way to help a country is to educate them on how to improve their conditions themselves, giving them a few resources occasionally. I did an essay on Queen Elizabeth I last week and I learned about the deserving poor (those who cannot work) and the idle poor (those who would not work). The deserving poor received help while the idle poor were beaten until they saw the error in their ways. This treatment helped England's economy back then. Of course, I do not want the idle poor to be beaten, but they should be pushed to provide for themselves. I think that will be a huge step out of poverty.
Thank you for those 15 weeks. Goodbye.