Overbreak this week, reunited with my family I decided to watch the Incredibles because my younger siblings wanted to. It is a movie where Mr. Incredible and Elastic Girl, two superheroes, decide that the marginal costs of looking for someone to marry equal the marginal benefits of looking for someone to marry so at the start of the film get married. After several incidents, people begin suing superheroes for accidentally injuring them while saving their lives and shortly after they marry, it becomes a crime to be a superhero. Because the benefits of being a superhero were so limited, and the costs to the government were so high, the "supers" went undercover and pretended to be ordinary people. Years later, Mr. Incredible, bored with his non-super life, is offered a lucrative opportunity to quietly battle evil. To optimize his utility with his life, he chooses to lie to his wife, Elastic girl, who he knew would be furious with him if she knew he was fighting evil against the law. He believes that he can only maximize his value by fighting crime, therefore he lies instead of telling the truth since he believes it will improve his life rationally. With this decision, he becomes a risk-taker, gambling everything as he goes against the law to obtain personal fulfillment. While he is fighting evil for this new employer, it turns out that he is working for his arch adversary, whom he cannot defeat on his own. After that, his family arrives to save him. Mr. Incredible possesses tremendous strength, Mrs. Incredible (Elastic Girl) possesses the ability to move her body like elastic, Violet (their daughter) possesses the ability to create a force field and become invisible, Dash (their son) possesses super speed, and Jack-Jack possesses several superpowers that aren’t discovered until the end. To defeat their arch-nemesis, they all had to specialize in their respective superhuman characteristics. Any of them could have a comparative advantage but would not have aided their cause in defeating their enemy, Syndrome. Just as a comparative advantage would not help in the global market. For everyone to win, countries must specialize.
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