This is the third of four milestones for your final project. This should include the following 1. What are the rules of the organization that influenced and impacted the decision, policy, program 2. How did the those impacted by this decision have input into the decision? 3. Which groups or people are mostly impacted by these decisions or policies? 4. What are some of the unintended consequences of these decisions or policies? Remember to include at least 2 references in APA format as well as in-text citations. Students should submit your own responses below:
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What are the rules of the organization that influenced and impacted the decision, policy, program:
California Governor Newsom initiated executive Order N-79-20. Newsom was re-elected as governor in 2021 and focused heavily on climate change and controlling wildfires during his campaign. Thus, you could say air quality is an important subject matter for politicians and voters.
This executive order states that starting in 2035, the sale of new automobiles will be only non-emission vehicles. The California Air Resources Board has issued stipulations to follow this, such as supporting the entire transportation industry to make significant gains in transferring to non-emission (California, 2022). Additionally, the departments of transportation and finances concur and are working on investing in opportunities to provide safe, non-emission public transit (Governor, 2021).
How did those impacted by this decision have input into the decision?
Due to Governor Newsom's transparency during his campaign to institute a policy to improve local and global air quality, California citizens and voters impacted the decision. But how does this change affect them? For one, they must be cognizant of electric vehicle prices and the expectation that new cars available to them within the state in 2035 will not be used by gasoline in people for generations. The transition to an electric vehicle is a lifestyle change and will take foresight to ensure the car's charging is done safely and timely to avoid commuting issues. Although used gasoline vehicles will still be available, the pressure for electric vehicles will continue to rise by changing the automobile industry. However, by electing and re-electing Governor Newsom, California citizens have expressed their support for this project.
Which groups or people are most impacted by these decisions or policies?
Electric vehicles have a long way to go to become more affordable for the middle and lower class, mainly due to the increased inflation and consistently climbing prices of all products. Although many may be able to continue to dawdle with their already purchased gasoline cars, it will eventually become more challenging to adjust to a changing market geared towards electric cars. In time, these newly purchased electric vehicles will become used and sold at lesser prices; however, this will take years to coincide with the recycling and pricing of older, used gasoline cars today. It is vital that as this order continues to impact lives that it ensures it does not only benefit the rich who can afford them.
What are some of the unintended consequences of these decisions or policies?
One of the most current concerns of the push to increase electric vehicle use is where the extra electricity will come to charge them. A recent study out of Stanford University indicates that driver behaviors alone put the energy grid at risk. For example, areas on the west coast, such as California and Arizona, rely on solar energy. Expectedly, drivers will charge their electric vehicles overnight when no solar energy is produced (Powell, 2022). This scenario provides logical concern and foresight to see the potential energy crisis to provide possible solutions or other protocols to avoid.
Also, the production of lithium-ion batteries involves harvesting dangerous or "potential toxic materials… such as copper, nickel, and lead" (Kang, 2013). Air quality may be more "green;" however, other potentially harmful chemicals will be more actively present than without the mass production of these batteries. Last week in Tesla's California plant, a lithium-ion battery caught fire, risking putting hazardous particles and chemicals into the air. A major highway was closed, and citizens were warned to stay in their homes and "shut all windows and turn off ventilation systems due to the hazardous material emitted by lithium-ion battery fires" (Santos, 2022). Currently, lithium-ion batteries are crucial to the production of electric vehicles. However, due to continued stories such as this past week's large chemical fire, specialists urge to consider alternatives to avoid "the looming risk of fire, exorbitant costs or blackouts" (Bloomberg, 2022).
Bloomberg, A. T. |. (2022, September 27). Analysis | Tesla's Big Batteries Aren't the Fire Problem. Lithium Is. The Washington Post. Retrieved September 27, 2022, from
Governor Newsom Announces California Will Phase Out Gasoline-Powered Cars & Drastically Reduce Demand for Fossil Fuel in California’s Fight Against Climate Change. (2021, April 26). Office of Governor Gavin Newsom. Retrieved September 2, 2022, from
Kang DH, Chen M, Ogunseitan OA. Potential environmental and human health impacts of rechargeable lithium batteries in electronic waste. Environ Sci Technol. 2013 May 21;47(10):5495-503. doi: 10.1021/es400614y. Epub 2013 May 3. PMID: 23638841; PMCID: PMC5920515.
Powell, S., Cezar, G. V., & Rajagopal, R. (2022). Scalable Probabilistic Estimates of Electric Vehicle Charging Given Observed Driver Behavior. Applied Energy, 309(C), 118382–.
Santos, B. (2022, September 22). Fire at PG&E's Tesla Battery in California is Now Under Control. PV Magazine USA. Retrieved September 27, 2022, from