as we all have probably seen, Americans are quitting their jobs left and right. This has been spread across news articles as the " Great Resignation". I think this is really intriguing. Goodbye. Farewell. Adios. Sayonara. Workers have been giving their bosses an earful of such words as of late. Last week, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 4.3 million Americans, or 2.9% of the entire workforce, quit their jobs in August (Rosalsky.,Npr,2021). Im sure the total has greatly increased throughout the months. Many people prompt the question as to whether government benefits are encouraging behavior. I think it's interesting how the pandemic and other outside factors have changed the conventionally way of how things work. I think many people have found different career paths and entrepreneurship has made a significant rise as well. I think it will be interesting to see how this labor shortage will create a difference in the economy overall.
Rosalsky, G. (2021, October 19). Why are so many Americans quitting their jobs? Retrieved from
Good timely discussion. I believe we have seen such an impact by just looking at the un-stocked shelves in our grocery stores. For instance, there is a high demand for truckers. Because of the shortage on truckers, the amount of food and supplies carried to different regions has reduced significantly. Stores have reduced open hours because they are short staffed. I have seen a lot of customer dissatisfaction and frustration in the last few months because of all the issues resulting from workers quitting their jobs for government benefits. It will be interesting to see how this phenomenon impacts the US economy long term.