The shortage of semiconductor chips has significantly impacted the global economy. After the 2020 covid 19 pandemic, the chip shortage caused companies to lose billions due to companies inability to keep up with the rising demand globally. Covid 19 has forced many individuals to work from home, which caused computer sales to rise and strain the semiconductor market. The semiconductor is a critical piece of equipment used in many electronics, including vehicles, life-saving equipment, and household appliances. Without them, most electronics are inoperable; therefore, production is critical. Many individuals may wonder how the chip shortage affects them. Even though you may not notice it, prices of everyday electronics and vehicles have risen overall. Thousands of cars are parked in lots awaiting semiconductor chips in order to be shipped to consumers who are limited to specific options.
Das, K. (2021, July 18). Decoded | Impact of semiconductor chip shortage on global economy. India Today.
Very interesting post! I definitely never would have thought about the pandemic causing a chip shortage. You seem like a very bright person! I read through the article you posted and I thought it was a good find. God bless you!