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Jeremiah Chukwu
Dec 03, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
The Amtrak crash in Philadelphia (2015) has made me contemplate if it matters if a business is privately owned or publicly owned. In the condition of the Amtrak trains being owned by the government (private owned, public traded); is a combination of a business being partial private and public better? Amtrak crashes are continually even this year in Oklahoma and in Montana. Crashes are unintellectual and accidental; the question is what can be done for better service and safety for passengers? The solution in the year 2015 was positive train control which can slow down trains as a safety precaution for collisions. Lobbying was a conflict that did not solve the problem of train safety and development in that year by removing funding. I remember an illustration in class about privately owned farms doing better than a public farm because the private invested more and took better care of their livestock. Therefore, do business do better being owned public or private? The end result in my opinion should be a focus of investing more in infrastructure and safety. The Bible speaks of everyone that God has blessed with wealth, possessions (private or public) to enjoy them and rejoice in their toil because it is a gift of God (Ecclesiastes 5:19). Therefore, whatever we have business, property, finance; God calls us to seek to enjoy it. But it encourages us to toil to work for the betterment of what we have so that we can genuinely enjoy it and see the fruit of our labor.
Jeremiah Chukwu
Sep 20, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
We’ve all heard once in our lives that money makes the world go around or the alternative that money is the root of all evil and that money does not bring you happiness. However, I think of money as a tool and sometimes a means to end. Money is a finical tool of representation and value accepted by the community around us for bartending and otherwise. If there was no consensus on what money means to humanity it would be nothing. We humans are the ones that bring value to natural resources, land, and otherwise. This outlook is like Adam Smith’s thought that money does not make you rich, the accumulation of good and services does by engaging in trade. This theory in evident in the division of labor which can be seen today as companies do not run primarily off money but by their production which is made available through employees and the customer that invest to the companies. Adam Smith’s invisible hand elaborates on this concept as it stresses that natural harmony is cultivated through a balance of self-interest of the induvial seeking his own gain and the general well-being of society through production that will better others in the community which will buildup supply and a cycle of continual collaboration. This is what Adam Smith envisioned for economics and the moral aspect of economics. Finally, Money is overvalued and it is human labor and cooperation that keeps the economy going. References Carson, Clarence B, and Paul A Cleveland. Basic Economics a Natural Law Approach to Economics . 4th ed., Boundary Stone , 2018.
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Jeremiah Chukwu

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