Invented in 2008, cryptocurrency or, better known as bitcoins, has become popular as the main currency for the dark web. Originally being worth less than 10 cents per coin, they primarily were used solely for trading purposes. However, since then, a variety of alternative currencies have been created. Because of the rapid influx in worth, these coins are now priced at roughly $50,000. With the emergence of a recent cryptocurrency exchange market, people are now able to purchase and sell cryptocurrency for other stocks or cash that normally wouldn't be able to, thus making it more appealing to those outside of the dark web. For example, on June 9, 2020, the cryptocurrency’s volatility rose 117.04% in 30-days. This has become so wildly accepted that the company Square even accepts trading of Bitcoin in all 50 states.
Do you think this is going to expand the criminal activity that originally was used for cryptocurrency on the black web, such as hackers using it for ransomware, or human trafficking? Or will it become tradeable in larger economic spaces such as the New York Stock Exchange as a common tradable currency?